
VAL-YOU is an EU-funded project focused on raising awareness of European values and enhancing democracy education in schools. These shared values, like respect for dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, and human rights, are fundamental to a common European identity.
In a time of complex challenges, VAL-YOU aims to provide practical methods for fostering critical thinking and understanding of democracy in schools. The project will define European values for educational contexts, develop a toolkit for teachers, and create a serious game to let students experience democratic values firsthand. Additionally, VAL-YOU will promote resilience in schools by shaping them as democratic spaces where values like respect, equality, and human rights define school culture.
Project partners

Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnützige GmbH
Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnützige GmbH is a certified non-profit educational institution dedicated to advancing education, intercultural understanding, and European values to build a robust European Education Area that ensures quality education for all. Our mission supports lifelong learning and open dialogue through diverse offerings, including further education and training programs, language and integration courses, European mobility opportunities, and various initiatives that drive collaboration, innovation, and quality in education.
Further information: https://www.wisamar.eu/

Tilburg University
The Department of Sociology at Tilburg University offers bachelor’s and master’s programs in Sociology. Its research focuses on social cohesion and inequality in a comparative perspective and includes topics such as political sociology and cultural change. The department is one of the founding fathers of the European Values Study, a largescale survey project on values in Europe with data collections every nine years (since 1981). The data can also be used in interactive map and classroom tools, targeted at education (including teaching materials, see www.atlasofeuropeanvalues.eu ).
Further information: https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/about/schools/socialsciences/organization/departments/sociology

Vienna Forum for Democracy and Human Rights / Zentrum polis
The Vienna Forum for Democracy and Human Rights is a non-profit association active in research, policy, teaching and training in the fields of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. polis – the Austrian Centre for Citizenship Education in Schools as department of the Vienna Forum helps teachers to bring citizenship and human rights education into the classroom, serves as an information platform and advisory centre, develops new materials for the classroom on a regular basis, plays a part in the European and Austrian discussions on citizenship education, has an influential role in teacher training and organizes events for students.
Further information: https://www.humanrights.at, https://www.politik-lernen.at

Open Europe
The Association of Educational programmes OpenEurope is a not-for-profit organisation with the main office in Reus (Spain). It is an education and training centre offering directly informal and non-formal learning opportunities to young people, youth workers and adults and helping them participate in European programmes. It also aims at promoting citizens participation in social projects and programmes at a local level. OpenEurope is the only qualified multiplier point in the province of Tarragona of the European network EURODESK
Further information: https://openeurope.es/

Dr. Carl Hermann Gymnasium
The Dr. Carl Hermann Gymnasium Schönebeck is a comprehensive high school in Saxony-Anhalt, not far from the state capital Magdeburg. Approximately 800 students attend the school from 5th grade to graduation (Abitur). The gymnasium consistently holds the title of “School without Racism – School with Courage” and has successfully defended the title of MINT School (focused on mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and technology). As an active Europe School, students regularly have the opportunity for intercultural experiences.
Further information: https://www.gym-hermann.bildung-lsa.de/

Christian-Gottfried-Ehrenberg Gymnasium
The Christian-Gottfried-Ehrenberg Gymnasium, located in Delitzsch, Northern Saxony, is a secondary school dedicated to fostering the individual growth of approximately 1,000 students from grades 5 to 12. We prioritize personalized support, encouraging creativity, and active participation. Our diverse extracurricular program caters to both artistic and scientific interests. By combining modern facilities with innovative teaching methods, we cultivate an open learning environment. Collaborations with external partners offer valuable insights into culture, business, and science, equipping our students for the challenges of the digital age and a successful future.
Further information: https://ehrenberg-gymnasium.de/

Polygonal has a long history of local activism and grassroots work, but has also been involved in European cooperation for many years. The association is based in the municipality of Cori in Italy, runs the local municipal library where it has been organizing events, seminars and training on human rights and European democratic values for years.
Further information: http://www.polygonal.ngo

Directorate of Secondary Education of Lassithi
The Directorate of Secondary Education of Lassithi (DSEL) is responsible for the administration of all school units at the regional level. These are 16 Gymnasiums, 9 General Lyceums, 5 Vocational Lyceums, 3 Special Laboratories of Vocational Education and Training. It is located in Agios Nikolaos and covers the educational needs of learners aged between 12-18 years old, of mixed abilities and different backgrounds. The DSEL employs, apart to the Director, 16 teachers, 10 administrative staff members, as well as 2 Education Supervisors.
Further information: https://dide.las.sch.gr

PandaBee Studios
PandaBee Studios is a game development studio specializing in the creation of game-based solutions. Besides producing indie games for players all over the world, the company focuses on supporting companies and associations in taking the next step digitally by providing gamified solutions tailored to their specific needs.
Website: https://www.pandabee-studios.com